Monday, February 27, 2012

Not too shabby: an update.

With a little bit of an "eek" moment at the middle of the month, I just added up my word count to end-of-day on the 26th and waited with bated breath for the results.

44,467 words written thus far. Which means...

5,533 words to go.

I have three days to write 5,533 words, which roughly comes out to 1,844 words a day. With some low days (which I continue to kick myself over) and some high days this month, I managed to come out at the end of the month with a mandatory daily goal that matched my daily goal to start with (1,724, if you remember.)

So, so doable.

However, I'm taking two jewelry classes this week, and they both happen to be in February--Tuesday and Wednesday, the 28th and 29th...the last two days of JNoWriMo. So, essentially, I need to write 5,533 words tonight. Plus, I need to finish "Kray", and I want to finish editing my cowboy novel. Priorities are in that exact order: 50,000 words; finish "Kray"; edit cowboy novel.


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