Thursday, February 16, 2012

JNoWriMo is halfway over.

We've just rounded the hump that marks the middle of JNoWriMo for Februrary 2012. How much have I written this month?? 22,870 words.

So...I'm 2,200 short.

(Well, add a little bit more to that as the 15th isn't exactly the middle of the month. Being as how this is a 29-day month, I should be closer to 26,000 words than 25,000.)

The deficit is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. 2,200... that's, theoretically, a bonus day of writing. It's funny how all my shortages over the last few weeks have added up, however. From not writing any on some days to being maybe two- or three-hundred words away from my quotidian goal on others. Then there are the days when I write over 2,000 words (seriously...what was I smoking at the time that inspired me enough to write that much?) Whatever the outcome of each day, there really is no excuse to not write the predetermined 1,724 words each day.

I'm at a particularly exciting part of my story as I'm ramping up to the climax, too, and yet I can't write past a certain point! Slugging through this one story is not as appealing as writing bits and pieces of a brand new one, or meditating on characters and new plots. I know, I know...there's no real way to measure meditation except that it is a complete waste of time considering all the writing I could be doing. I mean, that's what I do when I write--I meditate.

This weekend will be tricky as I have a ton of stuff going on. On the flip side, I'm PMSing (might have something to do with my writer's block), which means that it's the eve of my follicular stage, which usually means (and I've noticed a trend here), that I'll be more excited to write. The weeks leading up to ovulation seem to be stimulating enough for me, and that will take me through the finish line of JNoWriMo.

I'll let you know how that goes.


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