Thursday, February 23, 2012


Wrote an awesome 3,354 words yesterday alone. I was super inspired and wrote almost to eleven o'clock last night. was all in a new story. Again.

However, this is a new story for one of my Series 1 siblings, for the eldest brother, Kaven. This is much, much more important than any of the Series 2 books I had been writing over the past four months. At least this is something that needs to get done sooner rather than later, and I have a good seed started on Kaven's plot. Not so sure about the heroine's name, etc., but after eight pages of writing in the past two days, it'll give me something to think about as I work on finishing "Kray".

Oooooooh yeaaaaaaah...

I'm supposed to finish a novel this month. **Grumble**

We're at 115,000 words currently, 222 pages. My finished cowboy novel is at 136,000 words, 236 pages. That's pretty decent sized, and I'm striving for that. More pages equals more fodder for agents and editors, which means the stuff they take out won't leave shit and bare bones.

Perhaps I'll think of the younger brother Kane and his story. If I'm inspired, perhaps I can squeeze out another 3,300 words. Maybe even 4,000...or 5,000!

As the younger titled son, he would tend to focus on a career in the military or politics or education or the like. So we'll put him in the military, and we'll make the heroine the nurse of his enemies. How does that sound? Cliche enough?


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