Friday, February 10, 2012

I need to focus more...

Well. I can see that JNoWriMo is continuing on with mixed success.

While I continue to stay on track with my word count (with ebbs and flows, admittedly), I'm still being naughty and writing in stories that are far, far down the road. The goal is to finish "Kray" and then "Kayt", but I'm working on the kids' kids' stories instead, like "Arick", "Dimitri", "Lyuba" and "Darwin". And while I was proactive in my post-it frenzy, and while that helps a bit with organization, it's all time spent away from one goal: completion.

This weekend will be a standard 4,000-6,000 word goal, which will make up for some bumps I had this week.

Focus, J. Leigh. Stay on track.


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