Friday, April 6, 2012

Er--10,000 in the next three days.

Not so good of a start. I have a self-imposed goal of 10,000 words by EOD Sunday, which is 3,333 every day for the next three days (yeah math!) I'm not sure if 10,000 will bring me up to speed with my necessary 1,800 daily goal, or if that's to surpass the point in the hopes of providing more padding for more oops days--too afraid to count up my total thus far.

I've written 12,000 in three days before, so 10,000 should, theoretically, be no trouble. But as I am sticking with my "Kray" story, delivering words is more of a challenge than I care to admit. However, the big battle scene is fast approaching. The problem is, I have no experience and no real interest in writing battle scenes. It's integral to the story, and every subsequent novel has one, so, alas, I must suffer through it.

And as I'm distracting myself with stupid blog entries (*cough*...) I'm wasting time when I could be writing 3,333 words with an hour left of the day...


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