Saturday, January 15, 2011

Casting my characters.

I did something last night so exciting and helpful that I had to share. While struggling through editing of my latest novel, I'm working on bits and pieces of my fantasy series. Over the week I had compiled a list of actors that remind me of the heroes. Last night, I looked up images of them and saved them under each hero's folder for if I was casting for that story's movie.

For some of these, it was rough, and as I perused many Google Images pages it became quite clear--and I don't know why I didn't think of it before--that I need to consider the character that actor played, and not necessarily that actor himself. The same actor could look so different in a few different movies, so much that he would fit the archetype and appearance of different heroes.

Here are a few choices I have:

For Kray's "Rok", here's Dougray Scott ("Ever After" is what I like him in. This picture is not from that, but damn hot):

For Kayt's "Rowan", I chose Josh Duhamel (also playing with Timothy Olyphant and Ryan Reynolds):

For Kailyynn's "Sebastyan", here's Alexis Georgoulis ("My Life in Ruins"), and Jake Gyllenhaal ("Prince of Persia"):

For Karyi's "Dagibyr", here's Josh Holloway, but I want him with darker hair and lighter skin. I'm also interested in Colin Farrell and Gerard Butler, in the right movies:

The middle child, Kayla, has a story that has barely been started. I don't know what her hero looks like, so that's going to have to wait. Also, I don't know what the girls themselves look like. Next step is finding some actresses to fit my heroine archetypes.


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