Friday, October 12, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012

I have to say I was diligent during my self-imposed JNoWriMo in February and April, and I came out successful in my 50,000 and 55,000 word goals, respectively. Even though I failed at finishing (or, rather, starting) JNoWriMo in June and August/September, nor did I give any attempt at JNoFiMo, which I believe I slotted for spring of this year. Circumstances arose, a new dog, a hot summer that plagued all of SE Wisconsin with incessant stickiness, blah, blah, blah... No damn excuses, Jen--"Kray" needs to get done, period.

Well, this time it's for realsies. NaNoWriMo is right around the corner, and with my stats public on the website, with writing buddies watching my every move, it is time to buckle up and take the plunge after a six-month recess.

I still wrote over the summer, but it was mostly hinged on a random good idea or starstruck inspiration here and there, and never on one story. Or even four stories. And I don't think I wrote enough. My spastic brain synapses had me thinking across the whole damn spectrum of my stories, over all three series, and in no particular manner of order. Perhaps it's ADD that has me getting bored with one story so that I'm propelled into another. Part of me gets defensive. As all these stories are interconnected, and I have the grandiose plan of planting recurring characters in the stories, perhaps it's not such a bad thing that I work on separate stories concurrently. Or maybe I'm just working on my next panic attack.

"Kray" is quite near the end, and with the story "Kayt" nearly completely mapped out in my head, though only partly on paper, I need to start working solely on that book in the background, should "Kray" hit a proverbial wall. Discipline is hard when you're a writer, particularly an unpublished one with no legal or contractual dates to oblige. I need to rely on my own meager sense of willpower and the good sense to turn the Internet off if I have any interest in attaining my goals.

So. As NaNoWriMo was set up so that writers could a) finish a novel, and/or b) write 50,000 words (that's 1,667 a day), I once again aim to satisfy both those goals with attention spent mostly on finishing "Kray", followed by a decent push into "Kayt".  (No pun intended...)

"Kray": ~25,000 to 40,000 words
"Kayt": ~10,000 to 25,000 words

...And so there's a nut: as my stories are developed, so are the plots, the characters, the motives. Various plot points I started out with several years ago now, embarrassingly enough, seem moot. Confusing. Stupid even. I fear as I move on from book to book, I'm going to want to change various aspects of things already written. This rings out as "tireless editing" in my head. Blerg.

But I can't do anything until I shut my damn mouth and get my fingers moving. Thursday, November 1, 2012, starts NaNoWriMo--30 days to write 50,000 words. Wish me luck.