Monday, January 21, 2013

Thoughts of Kray.

It’s funny seeing your writing style change over time, but I never thought it would happen so quick over a two-year period. I have glimpses, whole sections of dialogue and exposition that I find wonderful, mature and continuously impressive to me. But betwixt such ingenuity I see puddles of crap that need to be cleared up.

I’m also fighting with the ongoing “Is this erotica or not?” battle. Since deciding to write erotica two years ago, many of my new story ideas have centered around that tone. My older stories in this series, with the exception of the boys’ stories, Kaven and Kane (those being relatively new stories as well), were all conceived with a mainstream romance vibe in mind. I like erotica, not just for the sex factor, but because there are a great many less restrictions to bind me, no pun intended. I like to use profanity when I want, and I have no problem describing certain events in a more descriptive, grittier context. And I’ve read some fiery mainstream romance one could classify as erotica, so, hey, who knows anymore?

My outline has been reevaluated, and I just need to identify those various holes in the story so that I can concentrate on making this work one cohesive story instead of garbledy-gook strung together with all-caps notes and empty promises that I’ll get to them eventually. I’m better than this.


Februrary 2013 JNoWriMo

After several failed and half-hearted attempts at JNoWriMo in 2012, as well a failed NaNoWriMo in November, I’ve decided to pick myself back up for a February 2013 JNoWriMo, sticking with a standard 50,000-word goal. We’ll see how that goes, and then maybe try yet again in April with a modest 55K goal. Or maybe 60K. Writing 2,000 words a day is a meager step up from a minimal 1,667 words a day, and that would take me to the 60K mark.

Inspiration waned this past summer and fall, but then it flourished in December with the acceptance of a new job. Kray has been “completed”, in the sense that I wrote the last bit of the story and am quite pleased with the tone and hook-like quality that will hopefully urge people to buy and read Defenders Book #2, Kayt. It still has a way to go with filling in the holes and then starting the editing process, however.

Starting with names, damn it all. There are still some naming conventions I need to iron out, so perhaps a good exercise for me in the next two weeks is setting up maps for which to properly see where all my characters are living, and then map out all my characters' names, too. My very title of the series contains the name of the island they all live on, and it still remains blank to this day. And how long have I been writing these stories?...

My desire to write my second series should be my fuel, my inspiration, for finishing my first series, as the second series’ books are a tad more exciting to me. But maybe that’s because they’re still so new in my mind.