Thursday, May 31, 2012


Pondering June 2012's JNoWriMo, I am once again in a flustered mess as I consider again how much I want to finish "Kray", how I strive to finish it every month and never do. It's not laziness, as I've exceeded my monthly JNoWriMo goals every time, but more along the lines of frustration at not having my plot completely flushed out tinged with a bit of writer's block.

Husband ingeniously suggested employing a JNoFiMo--Jen's Novel Finishing Month, where I don't worry so much about word number but concentrate instead on finishing the story.

A novel idea, and admittedly what I did during 2010's NaNoWriMo (I didn't know there was a 50K word goal at the time and just set out to finish a novel.) Perhaps this is what I need.

June, surprisingly, looks to be clear, so I shouldn't have many issues finding time to hunker down and do some writing. If I make it a true JNoFiMo without a word goal I'll have the freedom to do what I want, when I want to, provided I finish my novel. In the same token, I have to ask myself one question: how is that different from every other non-JNoWriMo month?

Setting a goal will force me to write, and I just need to be more diligent with writing in "Kray". One could calculate there's 50,000 words to write still in the story. The royal families are at the eve of war, which means I have a war speech, a battle scene, an epilogue and a hook (for not just this one story, but the entire series), left to write.

Let's say this is JNoWriMo, but let's leave off the word count for right now. Maybe we'll set a goal later in the month. For now, I just need to write.