Thursday, December 29, 2011

...And what fuels me to finish my fantasy series sooner...

...Is the idea of a new series.

The other day I had the audacity to consider the end of the series when one or two of my heroines could possibly admit to being pregnant. What the hell am I doing to myself? What does this all mean??

It means that I spent a good amount of--i.e. "too much"--thought the few days following on a NEW series focusing on the offspring of the original five couples from the fantasy quinary. I drew out family trees. I contemplated villains and plot points. I settled on genders and names...names!!

And not only that, but I had already started writing a bit about one of the children, the only daughter of Sebastyan and Kailyynn--golden-haired, golden-skinned Luciana. She's tied to her Italian roots, and she just so happened to have stepped into her daddy's old role.

I'm so bad. I'm so in trouble. This world will consume me, and the only thing I can do to control it is write everything down and leave it be.

So, anyway, I look to JNoWriMo with hope that I can finish my first book and move on to the second. Slowly and surely I will find my way to the end, and then planning out the series of 10+ children would make sense.


JNoWriMo coming up.

As NaNoWriMo was a success (sorry I forgot to post... At 11:59 p.m. on November 30, I succeeded in realizing the 50,000 word goal, but without actually finishing the story), JNoWriMo is set to commence at midnight on January 1st.

What could easily be considered "January" Novel Writing Month is actually "Jen's" Novel Writing Month, and my goals are the same as the standard NaNoWriMo competition--50,000 words and/or finishing a novel. Only this time I will finish my novel. And I intend to have a JNoWriMo every two or three months each year. I can afford to be antisocial for 3-6 months out of the year, can't I? If it means I can realize my dream one finished novel at a time?

Book 1 of the fantasy romance quinary I had started went very well, but I am trying hard to NOT to write in any story besides Book 1 in order to finish it and move on.

So I need to finish Book 1 and move on.

My head is swollen with new ideas for new or existing stories, and while I write them down, I can't very well expound upon them without having another finished tome under my belt. NO GODDAMN EXCUSES.